
Why Do Stars Supernova?

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Why Do Stars Supernova?
An Apocryphal Tale

3 1In the beginning, after God had separated the light from the dark and put away the surface of last scattering into echoes, He gathered the heavenly bodies to Him. 2All the stars and the spheres fell silent in their praises 3and listened.
     4He said, “There will be a great schism among My people. 5I will put away My glory from Me and live among men on Earth. 6During that time, My light will not appear to shine as brightly in the heavens.” And the heavenly bodies were dismayed.
     7”But where will it be?” said Eta Carinae. “Our glow cannot full the skies as Yours does.”
    8He said, “It will be hidden from your eyes, just as it shall be hidden from the eyes of My people.”
    9”You are God and You, alone, are wise, Lord,” said Thalian, second moon of Lotus, the third planet of Beta2 Cygnus, out of the icy clouds of the accretion disk. “But we beg of You Your lovingkindness: do not veil Your brightness from us. 10Your glory shows through every creature in the galaxy. Let Your light shine through us.”
    11The Lord stirred His heart and smiled on them. “My children, in the schism none will be able to withstand My power. 12To shine with My brightness will be to suffer pain and death. 13And though you shall not die forever because you will never fall, surely you will die.” And the heavenly bodies were silent.
    14And Betelgeuse, resting on the raised shoulder of the constellation God placed in the sky to comfort His people, asked, “Abba, is there no way to spare us death? We serve You faithfully.”
    15He said to them, “I look at you and see that you are good, but I can keep you from death no more than I can keep the innocent dog when My people sin, whom I have made in My image and granted dominion.”
    16The heavenly bodies deliberated among themselves for a day and many returned to their stations to prepare for the time when they would not see the Light. The stars of the tribe of giants and supergiants did not return to their stations. They approached God, and Rigel, resting at the foot of the constellation that God placed in the sky to comfort His people and representing the rock upon which heaven is built, who was their leader, said to Him, 17”Brightest of the Brights, Holiest of Holies, You created us, and You have the power to destroy us. In Your boundless mercy, you have warned us of a time when we may no longer observe Your radiance. 18With full knowledge that to do so will bring pain and death, as You have warned in Your love for us, we offer ourselves in Your service, that all Your creation might see and glory in Your light in the long darkness.”
    19And the Lord God said to the stars of the tribe of giants and supergiants, “Blessed are you in your trust and willing sacrifice. 20Number the asteroids, if you can, and I tell you that three times that number will be the number of those who will see, wonder, and remember you in your deaths beyond those who knew you in life. 21And from your tribe will I raise the most beloved star who shall shine as herald of My Son’s birth on Earth.”
    22”So be it,” said Rigel, and he led his tribe away in peace and thanksgiving. It took the giants and supergiants three days to return to their stations.
God put this in my head while I was sitting in church the Sunday after Christmas.

To clarify something:
A nova is when a star that has gathered an accretion disc starts fusion on the inner rings of said accretion disc, or otherwise sets it alight, creating a bright flash.
A supernova is when a giant or supergiant star that has completed its last "bounce" begins its final collapse. The magnetic fields this twists, as well as the energy created by the sudden violation of the Pauli exclusion principle, results in the star tearing itself apart, spewing jets and lobes of plasma and exotically charged particles into space. It results in a prolonged brilliant glow, a planetary nebula, and a central singularity (black hole, pulsar, or neutron star).

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annearty's avatar
A wondrous story. I shall read it again:-)